All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to the University Safety Office, however trivial they may seem. It is important to report 'near misses', (i.e. events that you were subject to, or have witnessed that had the potential to cause you/others injury), as they can alert us to 'accidents waiting to happen' and the need to take preventative action.
For information about accident reporting, click on the headings below:
- How to report accidents, incidents and near misses
- RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995)
How to report accidents, incidents and near misses
The University Safety Office launched a new online 'Accident, Incident & Near Miss' reporting system in January 2020. This replaces the old paper accident/incident forms, which are no longer available or accepted by the Safety Office.
There are 2 levels of access to the new online reporting system - Main and Portal:
- Who has access: Only Registered Users can have access to the Main system. Departmental Safety Officers, Departmental Administrators and First Aiders may be Registered Users.
- How to obtain access: Contact the Safety Office to request 'Registered User' status. Registered users will be sent an ‘activation email’ from AssessNET and will need to activate their accounts before they can use the Main system.
- Purpose: Allows Registered Users to directly report accidents/incidents and also electronically ‘sign off’ accidents/incidents reported by others via the Portal system.
- Login: Registered users can access the Main online reporting system by clicking on the ‘RISKEX’ icon below:
- Who has access: All University members.
- How to obtain access: All University members are given automatic access.
- Purpose: Allows submission of an accident/incident report by any university member. This then alerts their departmental Registered Users of the Main system to complete and electronically ‘sign off’ the report for the Safety Office (includes carrying out and documenting any necessary investigations).
- Login: Users can access the Portal online reporting system by clicking on the ‘AssessNet’ icon below:
Once you have logged into the online reporting system, there are manuals, guidance and screen tours to assist you to complete reports.
Guidance Notes
Guidance Notes for the online reporting system can be found at: Online Incident Reporting Guidance Notes
RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995)
If you have an accident at work and are subsequently away for 3 consecutive days (not including the day of the injury, but including weekends) please notify your local Laboratory Manager/Safety Manager and DSO as soon as possible. Injuries lasting longer than 3 days must be recorded, ready for inspection by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) if necessary. Injuries lasting for 7 days or more are immediately reportable to the HSE under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995).