The School of Clinical Medicine provides a number of training programmes for clinicians looking to pursue an academic career alongside clinical training:
There are 3 key pathways:
The Academic Foundation Programme (AFP): A 2 year programme, which enables trainees to undertake one 4 month rotation as protected research time during FY2.
The Academic Clinical Fellowship Programme (ACF): A 3 year programme, which provides specialist trainees with 25% protected research time in a variety of specialties. The majority of ACF posts are offered at CT1 and CT2, but some specialties also recruit to ST3 or ST4.
Clinical Lecturerships (CL, formerly known as ACL): A 4 year programme that allows specialist trainees to undertake 50% protected research time alongside 50% clinical activities. These posts are open to specialist trainees who have completed a PhD or equivalent and show outstanding potential for continuing a career in academic medicine. CLs must obtain their Certificates of Completion of Training (CCT) during their lectureship, i.e. complete their approved UK clinical training programme, and are eligible for entry onto the GP Register or the Specialist Register on completion of the lectureship.