The Department of Oncology is committed to providing a safe working environment for our staff and students.
The Head of Department is responsible for implementing the departmental Safety Policy, but may delegate the day-to-day management of safety to the Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) and specialist officers for hazards such as biological agents, radiation, fire etc. as necessary.
Our Safety Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Head of Department and is responsible for the production, review, performance and monitoring of the implementation of the Departmental Safety Policy, which is developed in accordance with the University’s Safety Policy.
The University Safety Policy states that in discharging their responsibility Heads of Department must ensure that the relevant procedures are in place.
Related links:
- - includes the Departmental Safety Policy and information about Health & Safety policies and practices.
- DSO - contact details.
- - all members are gven a copy of this form at induction. This form must be completed and returned to the DSO as evidence that you: have received the Safety Policy, understand the importance of following all departmental safety rules, accept your responsibilities as indicated herein and understand that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action and may contravene national legislation.
- - all members are required to keep a record of their training and submit a copy of it to their line manager and DSO at the end of each academic year.
- - includes a list of committee members, terms of reference and a list of key departmental safety personnel.
- University Occupational Health - specialist medical staff provide services that focus on the prevention of ill health and the promotion of health and wellbeing at work.
- University Safety Office - provides information, advice and training courses for staff and students.