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Department of Oncology


The University, School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge Centre for Teaching & Learning and Department of Oncology provide various information and welcome events for new students.

University information for new students

The University's Student website provides lots of useful information for new students: This includes:

Postgraduate safety course

The University Safety Office provides a compulsory training course which is run in October and January of each academic year:

This event provides training in:

  • general safety, e.g. use of computers;
  • chemical and laboratory safety, e.g. use of organic chemicals, safe use of pipettes;
  • specialised training, e.g. in use of micro-organisms,  biological reagents, pressurised gasses, ionising radiation, cryogenic gases, etc.

For further information about the course, including how to book a place:

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School of Clinical Medicine

The School of Clinical Medicine holds an induction event in October and January of each academic year to help students settle in.

This event is designed to:

  • welcome new students into the Graduate School
  • provide an opportunity for new students from all departments across the School to meet each other and
  • provide information about:

                   - The School
                   -  Where to find support
                   -  Good research practice
                   -  Plagiarism
                   -  Skills training
                   -  How to make the most of your time in Cambridge
                   -  Avoiding pitfalls

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Postgraduate Researcher Development Team

The Postgraduate Researcher Development Team is part of the Cambridge Centre for Teaching & Learning, and is the University's central provider for the development of PhD students. Our team design and coordinate a diverse programme of activities and resources for postgraduate researchers, as well as acting as the hub for coordination of Researcher Development provision in the University.

Researcher Development encompasses all the learning and development that students experience and acquire during their time in Cambridge. It provides students with the skills they need when they start their degree, throughout their studies, and for their future - whatever that may be.

Information about the courses provided and how to book a place, can be found on the Postgraduate Researcher Development website.

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Departmental information for new students

The Department of Oncology provides new students with an individual induction programme to welcome them into the Department, School of Clinical Medicine and University. 

At the end of the induction programme, a new student should:

  • have met their Supervisory team;
  • be able to find their way around their new workplace;
  • be aware of their local policies and procedures, e.g. for health and safety, IT, etc.;
  • have a clear understanding of the requirements and expectations of their role as a student;
  • have identified any training and development needs in order for them to carry out their research project;
  • been given information about the School and University to allow them to understand the context of the Department; and
  • understand how their progress will be monitored.

Forms to be completed and returned: 

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