This section contains information about the roles and responsibilities of Postgraduate Student Supervisors, including submission of Supervision and Registration reports reports in Cambridge Graduate Supervision Reporting System (CGSRS) and where you can find guidance and support about providing pastoral care for your students:
- Degree Committee for Clinical Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
- University Postgraduate Student Policies
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Submission of Supervision and Registration reports
- Fitness to Study Network - guidance and support about providing pastoral care for your students
- Departmental Student related forms
Degree Committee for Clinical Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
- Postgraduate Supervisor moodle site
- Code of practice for Research Students
- Cambridge Students website - information for Postgraduate students
- Progress reports
University Postgraduate Student Policies
The University's Educational and Student Policy Team and Student Registry are responsible for producing and implementing policies that ensure degree courses offered across the University comply with national and international Quality Assurance standards for course content and delivery, teaching and learning and Student health and wellbeing.
The Student Registry's Postgraduate Committee (formerly Board of Graduate Studies) is responsible for the admission, registration and approval of the all the University's graduate students; i.e. those students studying for the PhD, MSc, MLitt or MPhil degree and other graduate qualifications. The Board meets nine times a year during term time.
Supervisor Roles and Responsibilities
The University's 'Code of Practice for Research Students' sets out the University's guidelines for those courses examined by scrutiny of an extended research dissertation and an oral examination only. This includes the roles and responsibilities of the Principal Supervisor and advisory team, the department and the student. The relevant Code of Practice for a particular course will be that published in the year that the student commenced his/her studies for a postgraduate course or programme.
The Department's policies and procedures comply with the University's 'Code of Practice for Research Students' and the policies of the Higher Degree Committee for Clinical Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.
For information about the roles and responsibilities of Postgraduate Student Supervisors, please see:
Submission of Supervision and Registration Reports
Once submitted, all CGSRS reports are available to the student. They are also read, commented on and approved by the course director, degree committee, college and Student Registry. Supervisors are encouraged to give an honest appraisal of the student's progress but to do so in a manner that can be used positively to provide useful feedback.
All Principal Supervisors must report termly on their students' progress through CGSRS. A Supervision Report (non-registration report) should be submitted for every academic term per student, with the exception of PhD students when a PhD Registration Report should be submitted after they have completed their first year assessment, i.e. towards the end of their 3rd term.
You can submit a PhD registration report only once. If you submit a Registration report in error please contact the CamSIS Service desk. Usually only one report can be submitted per term per student, i.e. either a Supervision report or Registration report. If you wish to submit a second Supervision report for the same term, see the guidance and training section below.
Guidance and training
Fitness to Study Network
The Fitness to Study Network has been created to offer support and guidance to staff who have academic or pastoral responsibilities for students who are struggling, or students who are not fit to engage with their studies or the collegiate University community. If you wish to join, please email with your name, email and role.
Click here to access the University's current 'Procedure to Support and Assess Capability to Study'.
For Student related forms, such as 'Appointment of Examiners' see: Student Procedures & Forms