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Department of Oncology


Robert Rintoul

Professor Robert Rintoul



Research Interests

Professor Rintoul is Reader in Thoracic Oncology in the Department of Oncology, University of Cambridge and Honorary Respiratory Physician, Royal Papworth Hospital.  He trained in respiratory medicine in London and Edinburgh receiving his doctorate from the University of Edinburgh for work investigating mechanisms underlying resistance to chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer.  He was appointed consultant in respiratory medicine specialising in thoracic oncology at Royal Papworth Hospital in 2005 before taking up his current post in 2017.  Dr Rintoul is lead clinician for cancer at Royal Papworth Hospital and Director of the Papworth Trials Unit Collaboration.  He is co-lead of the CRUK Cambridge Centre Aerodigestive Programme and co-ordinates thoracic oncology research across Cambridge.

Dr Rintoul’s research is focused around clinical trials, translational research and tissue banking in malignant mesothelioma and the early detection of lung cancer.  He is Chief Investigator for several clinical translational studies examining biomarkers in lung cancer.  In 2012 he founded MesobanK, the UK national bioresource for malignant mesothelioma (  His work is funded by the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, Cancer Research UK, National Institute for Health Research and the British Lung Foundation.  He is a member of NHS England’s Lung Cancer Clinical Expert Group and CT Screening Expert Advisory Group.

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