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Department of Oncology


The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre (CRUK CC) is a dynamic collaboration of researchers, clinicians, and the pharmaceutical and biotech industries based in the Cambridge area who combine world-class science and technology with excellent patient care to pioneer new ways to prevent, detect and treat cancer.

CRUK UK staff employed by the Department of Oncology are:



Dr Marie-Lyne  Alcaraz
Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Ovarian Cancer Programme
+44 (0)1223 761937
Generic gender neutral portrait picture
Director, Cancer Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
+44 (0)1223 762045
 Catherine  Atkins
Administrator and Communications Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme
Portrait photo of Ms Karen Barker
Portrait photo of Jamie Blundell
Research Group Leader, CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme
Dr Mireia  Crispin
Lecturer in Integrated Cancer Medicine
Ms Elizabeth  Crowe
Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Imaging Programme
+44 (0)1223 333678
Portrait photo of Harveer Dev
CRUK Academic Clinical Lecturer in Urology
CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme
+44 (0)1223 766415
Portrait photo of Rebecca Fitzgerald
Professor of Cancer Prevention
Director Early Cancer Institute
Professor Richard  Gilbertson
Li Ka Shing Chair and Head of Department of Oncology
Director of CRUK Cambridge Centre
+44 (0)1223 769838
Portrait photo of Dr Rhys Grant
Public Engagement & Science Communication Manager
Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Imaging Programme
+44 (0)1223 763382
Mr Justin  Holt
Postgraduate Training Administrative Assistant, Department of Oncology & CRUK Cambridge Centre
+44 (0)1223 760405
Miss Gill  Currie
Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Paediatric Cancer Programme & Neuro-oncology Programme
+44 (0)1223 331600
Ms Nicola  Le Blond
Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Radiotherapy Research Network (RadNet)
+44 (0)1223 769480
Mrs Suzanne  Miller
RadNet Senior Research Practioner
CRUK Cambridge Centre RadNet Programme
+44 (0)1223 348390
Portrait photo of Daniel Munoz-Espin
Research Group Leader, CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme
+44 (0)1223 763337
Dr Anna  Nicholson
Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre Scientific Collaborations
Dr Birgitta  Olofsson
Postgraduate Training Programme Manager
CRUK Cambridge Centre
+44 (0)1223 762594
Portrait photo of Manav Pathania
Research Group Leader, CRUK Cambridge Centre Neuro-Oncology & Onco-Innovation Programmes
Miss Catherine   Philpot
Clinical and Translational Research Practitioner
CRUK Cambridge Centre RadNet Unit
Mrs Irena  Rao
Administration and Communications Assistant
CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme
Portrait photo Viv Ronco
Business & Operations Manager
Finance Co-ordinator
CRUK Cambridge Centre
Mr Alberto  Sciretti
Finance Co-ordinator
CRUK Cambridge Centre